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Grade 5-8 Auditions
 For more information regarding
grade 5-8 auditions, please contact
the school at 716-816-4220

Step 1: Complete Student Profile Form

Gr. 5-8 In-Person Auditions - 8 AM
November 16th & 23rd, 2024

Grade 9-12 Auditions
 For more information regarding 
grade 9-12 auditions, please contact
 the school at 716-816-4220

Step 1: Complete Student Profile Form

Gr. 9-12 In-Person Auditions - 8 AM
October 19th & 26th, 2024




Rubrique Scoring: Audition 70%, Bilan 25%, Formulaire de recommandation 5%



Review the following audition procedures in order to be considered to be accepted and enrolled at the Arts Academy for the 2025-2026 School Year.


  • Students must submit a "Student Profile Form" (labeled as "Step 1: Complete Student Profile Form" individually in Grade 5-8 Auditions and Grade 9-12 Auditions above).

  • All potential incoming students must complete a BPS High School Application or BPS Elementary Application.  Recommendation and Teacher Evaluation Forms located in the application must be completed as well.

  • Students should check the Audition Requirements located under the Admissions tab on the school’s website for further explanation of what will be expected of each artistic area and how to prepare for the in-person audition.


  • Students must come to the Arts Academy to complete an In-Person Audition at the school for one of the following artistic areas:


Grades 9 – 12 - Dance, Instrumental Music, Media Communications, Theatre,

Visual Arts, Vocal Music, and Differentiated Technical Theatre & Maintenance

(the DTTM program is only available for students who have an I.E.P. plan).


Audition dates for students entering Grades 9 through 12: October 19th & October 26th, 2024. Student must report for audition at 8:00 AM.



Grade 5 – 8 - Dance, Instrumental Music, Theatre, Visual Arts, and Vocal Music


Audition dates for students entering Grades 5 through 8: November 16th, & November 23rd, 2024. Students must report for audition at 8:00 AM.


Acceptance Rubric Scoring:

Audition: 70%

Student's Academic Standing: 25%

Teacher Recommendation: 5%


Contact Mr. Jones for further information         716-816-4220 ext. 1128

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