Excellent Educational Preparation for Careers or Future Study in
Ms. Jody Covington
School Principal
Email: JCovington@buffaloschools.org
“School is not a place that judges you. It is a place where people help your brain grow new connections”

Mrs. Ryan has been a teacher in the Buffalo Public School system since 1998, teaching 2nd & 4th grade and also Special Education. She has been an assistant principal at BAVPA since 2015. She enjoys listening to music, outdoor activities, her Rottweiler, and spending time with her family. Winner of the Excellence in Education Assistant Principal of the Year Award (2023).
"We should not judge people by their peak of excellence, but by the distance they have traveled from the point where they started" - Henry Ward Beecher
Lizzy Crispin joined the Buffalo Public School district as a high school Biology teacher in 2004. Born to Dominican parents, Ms. Crispin migrated to the United States at the age of 15. A Canisius College alumni, Ms. Crispin began her career as a high school Biology teacher, teaching a plethora of courses within the sciences. She then moved on to become a school administrator in 2012. During her tenure at McKinley High School, where she taught Biology, she also became the Girls’ Varsity Track & Field coach. She enjoys traveling, dancing, exploring nature and reading. She is thrilled to have joined the team at BAVPA where she is enjoying getting to know all the talented students and families, as well as the faculty & staff.

Mr. Riccio is an educator of 19 years before arriving at BAVPA as an assistant principal. He has taught English Language Arts and writing for Buffalo Academy of Science and Tapestry charter schools and with the Buffalo Prep program. He enjoys traveling, spending time with his family, and has coached travel baseball for several years.
"You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water" - Rabindranath Tagore